Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Drop It...Drop It Low Girl

Confession: I. Love. Zumba…I do. I LOVE it! I know that many liken it to the Jazzercise craze of the mid 80’s. I know that it’s an exercise class for Mom’s. And, I know that you interval trainers and P90X’ers think that it’s lame, but without shame, I am owning it. I am a Zumba lover. There are so many reasons why that sometimes Latin, sometimes Hip-Hop beat in a steamy dance studio really gets me moving…Maybe, it’s because I grew up dancing; maybe, it’s because I don’t really feel like I am exercising, but I am somehow burning 600 calories an hour; Maybe, just maybe, Zumba is helping me harken back to those “College Clubbin” days I missed out on. All I know is, when I am workin’ it to “Drop it Low Girl” in a Zumba class…things are right with the world. Just kidding…that was really dramatic (shocker), but you get the picture.

Peter and I have now called STL home for 6 months (my mind is being blown even as I write it…6 months), and I have yet to find an adequate Zumba class. I mean, this is St. Louis…a real city! Where are you Zumba? The last class I took was taught by a 4’10’’, 60-something, sweet-as-pie lady whose glasses kept slipping down her nose as she told us to “Shake It!” Amusing? Yes. Physically exerting? Not so much. St. Lou Zumba…WHERE YOU AT?

In all fairness, the problem could be me. Are my standards just too high? My memory takes me back…to Zumba with Holly and Sheridan in Johnson City. There were moments in that class when I would look at the clock, see that only 30 minutes had gone by, and wonder if I was literally going to survive the next half hour. These ladies were using us to prepare for America’s Next Best Dance Crew, and there was no slacking in that studio. I would come home a hot mess, with sore muscles and the latest from Pitbull ringing in my ears. It was awesome! Ah…Zumba…the search continues…

Well, you may have guessed (since I just wrote an entire post about Zumba) that life is slow here in St. Louis. We ended up staying in Missouri for Christmas because I had to work on the 26th. Who knew that people worked on the 26th? I have clearly lived my entire adult life working on a school schedule. Grown-up schedules are for the birds. I need a Christmas Break! Anyhoo, I digress, Christmas in St. Louis was quiet and different, but not bad. We made some good memories, and ate some delicious food with some other Covenant, Christmas orphans. We rang in the New Year with good friends, and, of course, Les Mis!!! Which, by the by, we loved and are seeing again as soon as our bank account will allow. Peter is plugging through a crazy Jan Term of Greek Exegesis, and he begins his second Semester of Seminary in late January. I am also going to be taking a class on Tuesday nights this semester—which I am totally jazzed about. Having spent most weeknights out doing various and a sundry Young Life things for the past decade, having all my weeknights in sometimes gives me a bit of cabin fever…Although, I am enjoying loads of time with Peter and Honeybear, and I am beginning to learn what having “time” is like. Maybe I will finally do some of those Pinterest projects.

Over and out,


Other random thoughts of the moment:

Meal Share: we are trying this thing called “Meal Share” with three other families in our neighborhood. In a nutshell, on Mondays, we cook a meal for all 4 couples—then we are brought meals for the rest of the week. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Hard Boiled Eggs: I continue to be baffled by the Midwesterner’s love of hard-boiled eggs. Mystery.

Brunch: St. Louis, we have come to find out, is a very foodie town…which suits us just fine. St. Lousians love brunch, eating local—very local, toasted ravioli, Bloody Mary’s (of al shapes and sizes), and boozy milkshakes…what a combo.