Friday, June 1, 2012

Les Miserables...The Dream Lives this Christmas!

Confession...I have watched this trailer six times already...not ashamed!

I Hope They Serve Sweet Tea in St. Louis...

For the past 3 and a half years, my husband Peter and I (Jess) have been living the life in an 80 something year old house in a little East Tennessee town called Johnson City. I have been "Young Life-ing" it for the past 9 years, and Peter has been teaching Bible and Philosophy in a classical high school. We have loved living in the mountains, we have  loved walking through life our sweet and completely ridiculous friends...but now it's time for a new adventure...

We have an official moving date, we have renters for our beloved house here in JC, and I think we are really going to love St. Louis--I mean what's not to love? There's a free zoo, frozen custard, Dewey's pizza, the Arch, the Cardinals, and both Les Miserables and Wicked are coming to the Fox Theater this Fall (yay)! But the question that keeps rolling around in this brain of mine is: What is St. Louis going to do with me? I mean...I am a unique lil soul. I'm allergic to everything--well, peanuts and corn (but seriously, who's allergic to corn?); I am so, so accident prone (see my Adventures in Sojo blog for full details there); I can't hear a song, or even a vague reference to a song, without feeling compelled to sing the rest; I have a strange obsession with cop shows (i.e. Law and Order...any or all of them)...I'm kind of a bird...although I'm sort of scared of birds...See what I mean. 

So, here we go...Midwest bound. 44 days till the move...St. I come! Hope you know what you're in for.