Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Take An Educated Guess

So…it’s been awhile…a long while…months and months. Working in the land of auto claims has been wild – a whole new world of offices, deadlines, angry policy holders, and an unending workload. People, if you get into a car accident, be nice to your adjuster—they’re people too! It really has been pretty amazing to observe (in a customer service occupation) what people will not say to you face to face, and what they have no problem saying to you over the phone. I understand why cyber-bullying has become such an epidemic—there are (seemingly) so little consequences to what you say when the person is not directly in front of you.  With all the stress and frustration that comes with being a claims adjuster, I will miss the people I work with. I feel like we have been in the trenches together (yes, I am comparing claims adjusting to a war…yes, it is an accurate comparison), and there is a sweet bond formed between those heading into “battle” together. In a few short days I will be leaving the insurance world behind, and I really do feel like I have learned a ton about myself, about negotiation, and about confidently approaching confrontation.

Now, you might be thinking to yourself, “Self, Jess is leaving the insurance world? Does that mean another new job?” Why yes, yes it does mean a new job folks…3 jobs in 10 months—could I get some more transition please? I have not had enough transitions since moving across the country in July. This move, however, is going to be a sweet one. An opportunity has come my way to begin working on my Masters of Counseling full time while working for Covenant Seminary. Yep, it’s pretty much a dream come true. Ever since my time with Young Life ended this past summer, I have been able to evaluate the things that I really loved about my work. While there is a long, long list of things I love about Young Life, I have found that the one-on-one time walking through broken and messy situations with high school folks is the part I missed the most…the part I always longed to be more equipped for. So, here I am—going back to school and working at the Seminary. Peter is really excited about this opportunity for me for many reasons…most of all because he can get 15 minutes more sleep in the morning while I drive us to school.

In other news…I’m in a band. Yep, a real performing at venues, recording albums, selling merch band…its sooooo fun.  Charlie, our band leader, composer, piano man, and lead vocalist roped me in after church one Sunday in early January (along with the two other gals affectionately known as “The Honeys”).  We have been rehearsing for months and have had two successful performances so far. We are slotted to play in the River Front Times 2013 music Showcase on June 1st in Downtown St. Louis.  Should you come if you are in STL? Yes…should you vote for us no matter what city you live in? Absolutely!

You can find the band, The Educated Guess, in the “Chamber Pop” section. That is probably a pretty accurate description of our sound (imagine Billy Joel and the Supremes with a big band – loud and vintage). Being a part of this group has been a pretty surreal adventure. When I was getting ready for our first “gig”, I had to keep reminding myself that this is real…I really am about to sing in a band at a real music venue. Needless to say, being a part of the Educated Guess has been one of the most fun things that have happened since moving to STL. Between the band and singing in the choir at Memorial, I feel like I have rediscovered how much I really love singing.  Peter has faithfully been to each performance, and has rallied others to come with him – he has even mentioned purchasing an “I’m with the band” shirt. I have been referring to him as my groupie—he likes to think of himself as more of an artistic consultant who likes to have a beer while listening to good music.

Peter finishes up finals next week, and our 2nd STL summer will be filled with Hebrew class, another new job, Les Mis at the Muny, 107 degree heat,  and cleaning out our guest room closest in preparation for Lindsay’s relocation to Missouri (Missour-a if you you’re nasty…Janet Jackson? Nobody?...Eh, worth a shot).

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Drop It...Drop It Low Girl

Confession: I. Love. Zumba…I do. I LOVE it! I know that many liken it to the Jazzercise craze of the mid 80’s. I know that it’s an exercise class for Mom’s. And, I know that you interval trainers and P90X’ers think that it’s lame, but without shame, I am owning it. I am a Zumba lover. There are so many reasons why that sometimes Latin, sometimes Hip-Hop beat in a steamy dance studio really gets me moving…Maybe, it’s because I grew up dancing; maybe, it’s because I don’t really feel like I am exercising, but I am somehow burning 600 calories an hour; Maybe, just maybe, Zumba is helping me harken back to those “College Clubbin” days I missed out on. All I know is, when I am workin’ it to “Drop it Low Girl” in a Zumba class…things are right with the world. Just kidding…that was really dramatic (shocker), but you get the picture.

Peter and I have now called STL home for 6 months (my mind is being blown even as I write it…6 months), and I have yet to find an adequate Zumba class. I mean, this is St. Louis…a real city! Where are you Zumba? The last class I took was taught by a 4’10’’, 60-something, sweet-as-pie lady whose glasses kept slipping down her nose as she told us to “Shake It!” Amusing? Yes. Physically exerting? Not so much. St. Lou Zumba…WHERE YOU AT?

In all fairness, the problem could be me. Are my standards just too high? My memory takes me back…to Zumba with Holly and Sheridan in Johnson City. There were moments in that class when I would look at the clock, see that only 30 minutes had gone by, and wonder if I was literally going to survive the next half hour. These ladies were using us to prepare for America’s Next Best Dance Crew, and there was no slacking in that studio. I would come home a hot mess, with sore muscles and the latest from Pitbull ringing in my ears. It was awesome! Ah…Zumba…the search continues…

Well, you may have guessed (since I just wrote an entire post about Zumba) that life is slow here in St. Louis. We ended up staying in Missouri for Christmas because I had to work on the 26th. Who knew that people worked on the 26th? I have clearly lived my entire adult life working on a school schedule. Grown-up schedules are for the birds. I need a Christmas Break! Anyhoo, I digress, Christmas in St. Louis was quiet and different, but not bad. We made some good memories, and ate some delicious food with some other Covenant, Christmas orphans. We rang in the New Year with good friends, and, of course, Les Mis!!! Which, by the by, we loved and are seeing again as soon as our bank account will allow. Peter is plugging through a crazy Jan Term of Greek Exegesis, and he begins his second Semester of Seminary in late January. I am also going to be taking a class on Tuesday nights this semester—which I am totally jazzed about. Having spent most weeknights out doing various and a sundry Young Life things for the past decade, having all my weeknights in sometimes gives me a bit of cabin fever…Although, I am enjoying loads of time with Peter and Honeybear, and I am beginning to learn what having “time” is like. Maybe I will finally do some of those Pinterest projects.

Over and out,


Other random thoughts of the moment:

Meal Share: we are trying this thing called “Meal Share” with three other families in our neighborhood. In a nutshell, on Mondays, we cook a meal for all 4 couples—then we are brought meals for the rest of the week. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Hard Boiled Eggs: I continue to be baffled by the Midwesterner’s love of hard-boiled eggs. Mystery.

Brunch: St. Louis, we have come to find out, is a very foodie town…which suits us just fine. St. Lousians love brunch, eating local—very local, toasted ravioli, Bloody Mary’s (of al shapes and sizes), and boozy milkshakes…what a combo.